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Centro de Investigación del Chaco Americano

Science for Production,

Conservation and Society 


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Your projects can be our projects!

We welcome students, researchers and nature 

enthusiasts to collaborate with us to build together new ideas.



Sustainable Livestock Production in Native Pastures
This project aims to establish and sucesfully manage an ecosystem-based livestock production by harnessing native pastures and conserving valuable ecosystems such as forests and wetlands. 
Wetland Eco-hidrology 
With the support of Paraguay's National Council For Science and Technology (CONACYT), we work in understanding the Chaco Wetland Ecosystem with a multidisciplinary approach.  
Wildlife Monitoring and Conservation 
We have started long-term monitoring and protection of wildlife present in our diverse landscape: grasslands, forests and wetlands. 
Rural Development of el Chaco Communities
We aim to understand the social interactions within the communities of el Chaco and together build economic possibilities with social and environmental sensitivity. 

"We believe that development comes hand-in hand with production, conservation, research and with an integrated approach."


Established in 2010, the Chaco Americano Research Center is a private initiative promoting biodiversity conservation, environmental research and sustainable cattle production in native grasslands of the humid Chaco in Paraguay. Institutionally, it is supported by the Manuel Gondra Foundation as well as the Estancia Playada associates.


Our network of associate researchers holds vast academic experience in diverse disciplines and produce quality research related with agricultural production, livestock, rural development, soils and hydrology. Our main focus is on the humid Chaco in Paraguay, where our research center is established.


We strive for an interdisciplinary applied studies in research and sustainability production. Thus, we combine our research activites by running a family company, support visiting students and welcoming researchers.

We come together to support this initiative from diverse disciplines and from different institutional platforms. Our commitment is to find a common ground to tackle specific research projects in the humid chaco and to bring together people and institutions interested in production, conservation and ecological restoration projects in the region.


"We strive for an understanding of our natural and social landscape

from several disciplines"


Rafaela Laino, Ph.D.
Research Director

Watershed management, Forest Hidrology

Dr. Laino focuses her research in the relation of water quality and quantity with forest variables at the watershed level. M.Sc. from CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) in Costa Rica. She concluded her Ph.D. in Ecology and Sustainable Development in ECOSUR (The College of the South Border), Mexico and currently focuses on Ecohydrology of the humid Chaco.

Nasim Musalem, P.h.D.
International Advisor

Rural Development Sociology, International Trade, NTFPs

Economist from Chapingo University, Mexico and specialized in international trade as rural development issues by Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

His research focuses in studying interactions and difficulties in connecting small-scale farmers and markets.

Andrea Caballero, M.Sc.
Research Associate


Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology and M.Sc. with emphasis on biodiversity and Systematics. Master's thesis focused on ecology of amphibians and reptiles, specifically on the edge effect in forests of the San Rafael Natural Reserve (Itapúa). She carries out research in the area of taxonomy and ecology of amphibians and reptiles.

Diego Bueno, M.Sc.
Research Associate

Biology Conservation

Bachelor of Science. He has served as an independent researcher on consulting assignments and research projects. He made his training toward the study of amphibians and reptiles, taking courses of specialization in alligators (e. g. management in the reserve of Mamirauá, Amazon). He holds a Master in Conservation Biology from the Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences (FACEN).

Luis D. Laino, Ph.D.
Research Associate

Agricultural Economics 


Economist, specialized in development and international relations. Dr. Laino worked in several key positions in the Paraguayan public sector. Currently, he is a financial advisor for private companies. His research focuses in public policies, finance and international trade.

Maria Lidia Aranda, M.Sc.
Research Associate

Human Ecology, Ecology Restauration

M.Sc. from Universidad de Alcalá, Spain in education, ecosystem services and ecoystem restoration. Her area of expertise is in aquatic vegetation surveys in el Chaco Americano.



Do you share our same point of view? or are you interested to contribute to the well-being and conservation in South America? 




Estancia Playada, Presidente Hayes, PARAGUAY


Tel:  + 595 981 223 778

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